lördag 6 juni 2009



The water looks smooth as honey as the sun sets. I wish you all could have been here on this still and beautiful night.

7 kommentarer:

daze-with-laura sa...

wow thats stunning! i do indeed wish i was there. brilliant photo*

Unknown sa...

"as smooth as honey"


christopher sa...

I just wrote this reading somewhere else but the mood fits your photo, I think.

Not Like All The Rest

Awareness cuts fine,
too fine for words. In the cracks
between them, your eyes
see me in the now
of things, in the now of worlds
beyond the current
path we walk holding
hands and wanting more of this.

How can I then speak
to you honestly
and with clarity this time
not like all the rest?

Foto i Norr - Marie sa...

Hejsan! Tack för dina rader och ditt trevliga besök vad glad jag blir. Vilken fin och vacker blogg du själv har, otroligt fina bilder och hit ska jag nog kika in igen snart igen. Ha en fin dag samt vecka. ;)

L. sa...

Ida, this is beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

Anonym sa...

Ida I wish I could have been there it looks so peaceful, A great place to sit and ponder on things! Beautiful Photo! Goddag

shilvia sa...

takes my breath away ida...really do!!!