tisdag 19 maj 2009

Something old, something blue

I stumbeled upon a white feather the other day while exploring the woods. Next it I found an old coffeetin, a very common one that used to exist in the stores when I was a little girl. If am not mistaken this very coffee started to sell in the late 1960's. Strange that a tin like this have been laying around the forest for so long. It was the feather that caught my eye though, it's innocent hue made me think of freedom.

6 kommentarer:

Pearl sa...

it's beautiful.
at first, i thought you were getting married!

jtrue sa...

i love it. the textures and color of both make a great pair.

Anonym sa...

i was convinced you would have photos of a wedding! :)

Chris sa...

Beautiful, beautiful shot! I love the mix of colors and textures, and the fact that you saw such beauty in this scene :)

Ida sa...

No wedding for me yet, sorry folks!! But when and IF that happens I can promise you that you all will e the first ones to know!

Joanna Lee sa...

Very lovely and disturbing at the same time. You can make anything beautiful...but I wonder what makes people litter in a forest?