onsdag 11 februari 2009

Another food-guess!

This is a tough one for all of you in the states! It's a common dish here where I live and is served best with lingonberries and butter. What is you guess? :)

12 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

...och knaperstekt fläsk! :)

Anonym sa...

Is it a type of sweet bread?
God Morgon!

Unknown sa...

have no idea!

Walker sa...

Kroppskakor have many regional variations which lie in the amounts of raw vs. cooked potatoes used in the dumpling, onions or no onions in the filling and the use of pork, eels or even pelagic birds.

Arctis sa...

Undra om man äter det i några fler länder? Jag som är ifrån vår södra landsdel, tycker inte alls om detta.. Har smakat en gång och aldrig mer ;o)

Pearl sa...

goodness - i have no clue. it looks like a bread to me with some kind of pastry filling :)

Ida sa...

Thank you guys for guessing! Walker and Kat came the closest but the word for it is PALT! It is made from raw potatoes, flower and water, you then make small dumplings and then boil them for about an hour or so, then serv it with butter, lingonberries and fried pork! DELICIOUS!!!

Unknown sa...

Guuuuud vad jag blir hungrig på "paltn"! Måste göra det snart när Micke & Susanne kommer upp!!! Kramen

Ida sa...

Incan: ja sakna de, hoppas du kan komma upp nå i sommar!!! KRAM tebaka

Walker sa...

Looks like palt is the generic name. Would it be fair to say palt in the north of Sweden and kroppskakor in the south? Are you from the north or south Ida? And would the lingonberries on the side suggest kroppskakor rather than palt? Love your guessing games Ida, I learn so much about Sweden, thanks.

Ida sa...

I am fron the north Walker! You eat lingonberriers on the side of both palt and kroppkakor, well at least I do! Some folks like their palt with syrup on the side, it's so different! I am glad you like these food-games of mine! =)

Walker sa...

Thanks Ida, you are cool!