måndag 2 februari 2009

Canon and me

It's not often I put selfportraits on this blog but now it's time. Hello folks!

9 kommentarer:

Ida sa...

Thank you, Kat :)

Gigi Ann sa...

I agree with Kat. I love your self-portrait. You are a lovely girl.

Anonym sa...

This is a great selfportrait!!Goddag!

Anonym sa...

lovely self-portrait... the background is really nice and I happy to see your new Canon!!

Pearl sa...

ohhh SO beautiful!

Anonym sa...

Tjusigt :)

Unknown sa...

Underbart Ida,vilken bild, du är såååå söt, min "lilla" tjej :-)!!!!!!!!!
Varmaste kramen till dej

shilvia sa...

ida darling...beautiful capture, beautiful you!!!

Suzanne Rowley sa...

Great shot - it looks like it could have been shot yesterday or 50 years ago! So classic looking.