tisdag 9 december 2008

Minus 20

Cold but beautiful.

9 kommentarer:

Gigi Ann sa...

Very lovely beautiful winter scene. Brrrrrrr.....

Jen sa...

This is beautiful, is this where you live?

Anonym sa...

lovely with the blue effect!! Don't forget to get warm!

georgia b. sa...


Chris sa...

Whoah...it's not that cold here (yet—only a balmy 28 degrees F right now), but I completely sympathize. I must say that it's quite gorgeous, though!

A winter wonderland :)

Pearl sa...

i am SO convinced that you must live in like, this snowglobe. you know, the ones you can buy at nordstroms or hallmark's that are perfectly crafted and have everything that's considered beautiful inside of them, like:

1) snowflakes
2) perfectly frosted windows
3) warm mugs
4) glowing fires
5) and a gorgeous girl named ida :)

Unknown sa...

such a stark contrast to my world of sunshine but truly beautiful.

shilvia sa...

breathtaking ida!!!how i wish i can witness such scenery...

? sa...

Hi Ida,
This is so lovely...can I use it im my writing and of course with all credits to you? Also I would love to follow your blog so one can easily return here? Please bring me back...
Best wishes